

Digital Fabrication Lab

An Armature for Mixed Reality Experimentation

Professor: Keith Kaseman
Team: Darcy Brown, Richard Dempsey, Collin Grill, Clay Kiningham, Michael Koliner, Monica Magcalas, Dani Marquez, Daniel Oddo, Maria Pastorelli, Carly Todd, Shantanu Vijayakumar

The work featured on this page was part of a collective studio research effort. This team project showcases the research in mixed reality workflows in order to design and fabricate a full scale armature through which to test, experiment, and understand the opportunties augmented reality affords.
Project Component Diagram

Structural Analysis

3D Print

Extracted Portion: Welded Steel Connection Detail

Exhibit Proposal:

Blue = Real Physical Environment
Red = Augmented Reality Environment

Completed Built Project Photos

3D/AR Model

Clay Kiningham - Atlanta, GA