

Drone Port
Digital Fabrication Lab, Georgia Tech

Cyber Physical Working Environment

Professor: Keith Kaseman
Featured in School of Architecture Digital Fabrication Lab Showcase

This Design + Research Studio began not with a site or a program, but a collection of ideas centered around the technologies we had at hand. The idea of the studio revolved around learning and developing work-flows using Augmented Reality as a tool. With a Microsoft Hololens, Rhino, Grasshopper, and Fologram we can now see detailed and complex designs mapped to our reality, this mixed reality acts as both a fabrication guide and design tool. With the capability to design incredibly innovative and complex spatial relationships with no two pieces alike, the semester began with a deep dive into building large scale wireframe models out of steel. This process led to a series of discoveries, one of which being a drone port and fabrication space, designed to situate itself in any context.

Phase 01: Testing Mixed Reality Workflow

Hololens + Fologram: Rod Bending Process
Completed Full Scale Model: Quarter Inch Steel Rod with Welded Connections

Phase 02: Architectural Design

Drone Port and Fabrication Space: Designed for most locations in East Africa and Elsewhere.

Extracted Portion of the building for 1:10 scale section detail model.
Assembly Model: Color coded and numbered based on progression of assembly. Projected into physical environment for accurate placement of overlapping parts.

Final Assembly

Digital Model: Showing the bamboo members joined together by universal connection details, this building could be assembled by local peoples with a Hololens as a guide.

Clay Kiningham - Atlanta, GA